Children's Rights - Healthy Environment - Climate Change

By: Diego Manrique

Last updated: 2025-01-9

The climate and environmental crisis is a children’s rights crisis! What does this mean in reality? What are we doing about it? And what can we do more, with children, to be agents of change to ensure that children enjoy all their rights including their right to a clear, healthy and sustainable environment in all contexts? This page has been created to collect publications, including research, guidance, tools, case studies, policy documents, as well as webinar recordings and other resources that contribute to clarifying the nexus between children’s rights, healthy environment and a safe climate, with focus on the implementation of the UNCRC, UNCRC General Comment 26, the SDGs, the ACRWC and other relevant legal and policy frameworks that protect children’s rights in the context of climate and environmental degradation.


State Accountability

6 resources

Climate Finance and Child Rights

2 resources

Right to Education


Right to Protection

1 resource

Climate Justice

1 resource

Programming on Child Rights and the Environment

Programming on Child Rights and the Environment

1 resource

