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How to Child Rights series
The overall aim of the webinar is to strengthen integration of environment including climate change issues of relevance to to child rights and child participation in the monitoring and reporting process of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), which is the treaty body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC). The webinar is a platform for learning through peer-exchange and sharing of good practices, challenges, based on lived experiences or engaging with the monitoring and reporting process ACRWC. We will launch two practical « How to Child Rights” case studies developed by CSOs from Ivory Coast, including Forum des ONG de Côte d’Ivoire, AEJT-CI, Plateforme des associations et organisations d’enfants de CI, Charité Vie and FEREADD in collaboration with Save the Children Ivory Coast and hear from CSOs and children from other countries and from ACERWC and UN experts.
It is organized as a collaboration between many organisations including those involved in the Sida funded Save the Children CSO programme, the African Children’s Charter project, and the Child Rights Connect working group on child rights and the environment, under the joint platform of the the How to Child Rights series.
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