Study: Evaluations

Save the Children Skills to Succeed (S2S) Global Grants 4 and 5: Final Evaluation Report

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Save the Children US,Southern Methodist University’s Center on Reseach and Evaluation

Save the Children U.S and Southern Methodist University’s Center on Reseach and Evaluation collaborated to conduct this comprehensive evaluation of Global Grants 4 and 5 of the Skills to Succeed (S2S) Program implemented in four countries: Mexico, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Bangladesh. The S2S program aims to provide youth with the skills, opportunities and networks they need to gain decent employment.

A primary objective of this evaluation was to understand the change in youth employability skills, short and long-term changes along different dimensions such as changes in income, employment status, job security, etc. Some analyses by demographics such as gender and age illuminated some key differences between groups along key outcomes if sufficient data were available. Where possible, this study also examined main impacts of the program for different stakeholders such as youth and teachers and employers’ perspectives of the youth and program. Moreover, in order to encourage continuous improvement, different areas of strengths and weaknesses were also identified.

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