
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development: Are African children the new human capital for trade and development?

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Save the Children Canada

The Discussion Paper encourages the authors of NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development), African leaders and heads of G8 to recognise that children are more than passive recipients of development; are key stakeholders in Africa’s present and future; have needs different to those of adults; and are not a homogenous group. The paper states that a stronger agenda for children’s survival, development, protection and participation is required before NEPAD can be pushed forward and requests that Africa’s leaders and G8 leaders alike make the following three commitments to African children: • involve children in planning related to governance, economy, peace and security, sectoral development; •protect children from harmful work, sexual exploitation, violence, traffickers, and other violations of their rights; and •invest in children and follow-up on commitments made regarding access to health and education.

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