Study: Research

National experiences on the management of the demand for intercountry adoption

Publication year:






UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti

A ChildONEurope study that compares and analyses the different laws and practices in the field of intercountry adoptions within EU countries and their way of cooperating and managing the demand of their residents. In particular, the survey aims to : – compare the policies and strategies promoted by each European State to deal with the actual situation concerning demand for intercountry adoption; – collect data and statistics from receiving States and from States of origin, concerning the various aspects of the management of the demand in intercountry adoption; – draw up some basic good practices and guidelines in this field. The document is divided into 5 chapters: a general, introductory one describing the framework of intercountry adoption at international level; the second chapter focuses on the models of cooperation between countries of origin and receiving countries; the third and the fourth chapters analyse which strategies have been adopted – respectively in receiving countries and in countries of origin – to manage demand all along the adoption procedure; the conclusive chapter highlights the main points which emerged during the analysis; and the last section includes some statistical annexes.

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