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Growing Up in Rural America: U.S. complement to the End of Childhood report 2018

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Save the Children US

Across America, the experiences shaping children’s lives are starkly different. Many children are getting the daily opportunities to learn and develop that they need, as well as an abundance of healthy food on their tables, and regular chances to play safely and grow their imaginations. But for far too many other children, families and communities are struggling to provide them the childhoods they deserve, and our next generation is not nearly prepared to succeed in life.

In commemoration of International Children’s Day, Save the Children releases its second annual End of Childhood Report, which examines some of the reasons why children around the world are missing out on childhood. 

In this year’s analysis, the United States ranks 36th, between Belarus and Russia. While the country’s overall score increased by four points since last year’s End of Childhood Report, 5 progress is slow and conditions remain troubling for America’s kids. This supplemental report looks specifically at some of the major reasons why childhoods are ending too soon in America, as measured by five childhood enders.

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