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Study: Research

An Annotated Bibliography On Children and Childhood in Ethiopia

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Save the Children Norway,Save the Children Sweden

Children need to be studied in their own right for adults to learn about how they think, what priorities they make and what they consider important, but they should also be studied because as social beings, their living conditions can teach us about the dominant ideology, norms and economy that prevail in the society in which they live. More studies of children can thus promote knowledge about them, interventions for them and, also, add to the social sciences per se, since information about children will give a new perspective to our understanding of the acts and interactions of human beings and the structures that sometimes limit them and sometimes enable their change. This bibliography which is the result of an agreement of cooperation between Save the Children Sweden and Save the Children Norway, Dalarna University, Sweden and Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, is divided into three parts: Descriptive and Analytical Studies of Children, Consultancy Reports and Government Documents

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