Reports, Study: Research

Voices from urban Africa: The impact of urban growth on children

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Save the Children

200 million poor children in African cities at increasing risk of exploitation, abuse and disease. Social and economic development policies and programs are not reflecting the demographic realities of an increasing number of children living in poverty in urban slums with devastating impacts. Africa, though it is the least urbanized continent today, is experiencing the highest urban growth rates in the world. Save the Children’s report ‘Voices from urban Africa: The impact of urban growth on children’ examines the impact of urbanization on children in Africa — including sexual exploitation and abuse, disease and malnutrition, illiteracy and child labor — and is calling for greater investment in policies and programs to ensure the survival, protection and advancement of children, particularly those living in the poorest urban communities. This report is based on interviews, focus groups and questionnaires with more than 1,000 stakeholders (children, parents, and government and community officials) in 7 cities in 6 African countries – Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia.

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