Study: Research

Universal Periodic Review: Successful examples of child rights advocacy

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Save the Children

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is an inter-governmental human rights review within the Human Rights Council in Geneva.  The UPR assesses the extent to which governments are meeting their obligations to protect, respect and fulfil human rights, including child rights, in their countries. Save the Children has seized the opportunity of the UPR from the outset (2008) to raise the profile of children’s rights, by engaging directly in reporting and advocacy or supporting child rights coalitions.

Universal Periodic Review: Successful examples of child rights advocacy” provides valuable insights for future child rights advocates wanting to engage in the UPR process and more generally in child rights monitoring and advocacy. This document includes eight case studes (Nepal, Philippines, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Peru, Zambia, Bangladesh and Mali,) which give good practices examples of Save the Children’s engagement in UPR reporting and advocacy. It sheds light on the different strategies used to push forward child rights priorities to influence UPR recommendations. It also provides some pointers on how the UPR recommendations can reinforce existing advocacy efforts and be integrated into follow-up plans to track their implementation. Key success factors and lessons learned were drawn to capitalise on the experience from these countries over the last 6 years,  and inspire others to replicate these approaches in order to maximise advocacy outcomes and impact for children.

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