Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Research

Rapport d’Evaluation du Programme du Centre Djoliba – Lutte contre la pratique de l’excision au Mali de l’approche santé à l’approche basée sur les droits de l’enfant

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Population Council,Save the Children Sweden

Council researchers have evaluated a human- and child-rights–based approach undertaken by the Centre Djoliba in Mali to encourage the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting. In Mali, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) remains legal, and 85 percent of women aged 14–49 have undergone the procedure. The Centre Djoliba, an organisation begun in 1964 that provides capacity building to development partners, has collaborated with Save the Children/Sweden on interventions encouraging the abandonment of FGM/C since the 1980s. The researchers recommended developing training tools, manuals, and teaching materials in the implementation of a rights-based approach, incorporating child rights into the materials and making the tools available in local languages. They also recommended to continue advocating for national legislation against FGM/C and underscored the need to reinforce the dialogue with religious leaders, who are key gatekeepers for social and cultural change.

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