Study: Evaluations, Study: Research

Measuring and Monitoring: Accountability to Children: A compilation of selected papers

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One of the major challenges to ensuring respect for children’s rights is the absence of adequate systems for monitoring implementation and assessing progress. In recent years, institutions have sought to develop the methodologies and tools for measuring and monitoring systems to protect children’s rights. These efforts have resulted in experience and knowledge, which can be used to inform and shape future efforts.

This document brings together four of the background papers prepared to inform the 2013 African Report on Child Wellbeing: Towards greater accountability to Africa’s children. The publications put forth ways to monitor and measure children’s rights: the UNICEF Index of Children’s Wellbeing, the Child-friendliness Index, and the Child Development Index

It is hoped that practitioners concerned with monitoring the well-being of children will find the research helpful in developing greater appreciation of the issues and challenges involved with the practice, and ways to address these challenges. 

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