
I am Still Living in Darkness: Young Rohingya refugees reflect on five years in Bangladesh

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Save the Children Bangladesh,Save the Children International

In the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, over 700, 000 Rohingya languish in limbo, largely forgotten by the outside world five years after they fled mass killings and human rights abuses in Myanmar. These Rohingya refugees include nearly half a million children with dwindling hopes for a life in which they can learn, thrive, and reach their potential. For five years they have lived without formally recognised education, and their parents and caregivers have been without employment.

This report showcases Rohingya refugee adolescents’, youth’s, and parents’ perspectives on how life in the camp has changed over the past five years, particularly for young people. It describes their views on the issues that have improved and the new difficulties that have emerged, with five areas examined in detail: general changes, education, protection, healthcare, and the ability of refugees to influence decision-making processes. The findings of the study expose the ongoing struggles of Rohingya refugees as they endure camp conditions in Bangladesh that seem to become more oppressive as each year passes.

A brighter future for displaced Rohingya children is possible, but it depends on the world finding the necessary will and compassion to act and end the crisis.



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