Reports, Study: Assessments

Grassroot Action to End Child Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) Baseline Report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Pakistan

Save the Children International (Pakistan) project aimed at addressing the prevalent issue of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan and Sindh provinces. Supported by the US Department of State, the initiative seeks to empower grassroots Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to implement gender-transformative programs and advocacy efforts. The project targets various stakeholders, including community members, children, teachers, and government officials, with the goal of reducing the prevalence of CEFM and providing support to vulnerable women and girls. Through enhanced coordination among CSOs and government authorities, the project aims to tackle the root causes of CEFM, mobilize communities against the practice, and ensure survivors access quality services.
A baseline assessment was conducted to evaluate existing child protection laws, mechanisms, and community awareness regarding CEFM, providing valuable insights for the project’s implementation.

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