Study: Research

Experiences from Investment in Children in Latin America and the Caribbean supported by Save the Children

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Save the Children

Save the Children is one of the leading organizations in the promotion of investment in children, promoting initiatives that improve governance and budget management so as to allocate specific resources for the fulfillment of rights. Save the Children has also supported child participation and the strengthening of local organizations’ capacity to understand, participate in and influence the formulation process of national and municipal budgets.

In the spirit of sharing experiences, learning from them, and improving Save the Children’s work on behalf of children’s rights in general, and  in particular, investment in children, a “Regional Seminar on Investment in Children and Adolescents” was held in June 2013, in Granada, Nicaragua. This publication is the tangible product of the seminar. It is the result of the collective production of Save the Children in the region, and the initiative of partner organizations, collaborators, and large groups of children and adolescrnts from eleven countries in the region: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic. The document offers a conceptual and programmatic vision, based on some of the specific experiences on investment in children. In particular, it provides guidelines that can be used by  Save the Children, organizations, institutions and cooperation agencies, to contribute to generalizing the global commitment for a greater and better investment for the fulfillment of children rights.

The Spanish version of this publication can be accessed here

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