Study: Research

Evaluation de l’intervention pour améliorer la performance des ASC dans la recherche active des cas d’enfants malades dans 10 aires de santé du district sanitaire de Kolondieba

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Save the Children US

A study by the USAID-funded Services de Santé à Grand Impact (SSGI) project in Mali (High-Impact Health Services Project) to evaluate the integration of active case detection of malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, and acute malnutrition in children aged 0 to 5, and pregnant women, within the Community Health Package of services (SEC). The SEC was provided by Community Health Workers (CHWs) at 43 ASC sites in 10 health facilities of Kolondièba Health District in the Sikasso region that were selected to integrate active case detection. The intervention included training on implementation of the SEC package, including active case detection among ASCs.

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