Study: Research

COVID-19 Capacity Strengthening Response Review 2020-21

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HLA, Humanitarian Leadership Academy,Save the Children International

From March 2020 to April 2021 the Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA) delivered 81 learning solutions as a capacity strengthening response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They varied from digital learning pathways to one off webinars or programme adaptations, together bringing the digital learning audience of more than 18,000, in addition to engaging with 39 Save the Children Country Offices (COs). The Save the Children (SC) staff was the primary audience of most of those interventions, but some open access courses have had most engagement (COVID-19 Learning Pathway, Integrated Public Health Hub, webinar series).

The review is attempting to understand the impact of the learning interventions delivered by the HLA as well as provide lessons learned for future reactive capacity strengthening.

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