Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Children’s Rights and the Environment: Guidance on the reporting to the Committee of the Rights of the Child

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English, Spanish,French


PDF (1.7 MiB)


CERI, Children's Environmental Rights Initiative

This tool seeks to provide a guide to reporting on children’s rights as they relate to environmental issues. It aims to ensure that the rights and interests of children rights are reflected in decisions on the environment and the work of relevant decision-making bodies. The tool is primarily intended to assist civil society organizations from both the human rights and environmental fields with shadow reporting for States’ periodic reviews under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). At the same time, the guidance also provides a basis for wider uptake among other actors including state actors, international organizations and research and academic institutions. The guidance can also be used as a resource to support reporting on children’s environmental rights within the context of other sustainable development and environmental agreements, such as the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to national accountability mechanisms such as National Human Rights Institutions.

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