Study: Research

Child Rights Situation Analysis, South Sudan July 2023

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Save the Children South Sudan

Background: South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on 9th July 2011, making it the newest sovereign state or country with an estimated population of 12.4 million, 53% of the population under 18 years old. The country continues to face multiple challenges depriving its population of adequate and descent standards of living especially for children. Economic instability and conflict remain key barriers to developing its human capital through progress in health, education, institutional strengthening and sustainable development. Climate change and natural disasters continues to impact on multiple deprivations that its population faces mostly affecting women and children hence jeopardizing recovery and undermining development efforts. Save the Children South Sudan undertook this Child Rights Situation Analysis (CRSA) generate evidence on the state of children and inform country strategy, program design, prioritize areas of focus for reaching girls and boys impacted by inequality and exclusion to support their realization of rights.

Objective of the study: The primary goal of this CRSA was to undertake a human-rights-based and equity-focused situation analysis for children in relation to gaps, inequalities and challenges to fulfilment and realization of their rights as the basis to inform programming.

Methodology: Data collected was based on the existing data on challenges, gaps and inequalities that South Sudan face in the realization of their rights through a desk review. Secondly, information gaps identified from the initial desk review that needed to be collected through primary data. Data collection was done through Focus Group Discussions (FDG’s) and Key informant interviews at community level for children, youth and caregivers and KII of relevant state actors, community based organizations (CSOs) and SCI implementing partners. Primary data was analyzed qualitatively using content and thematic analysis across all the pillars and cross cutting themes. This analysis clustered child rights into four main pillars of survival, development, protection and participation rights in line with the National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC, 2020 to 2024) as well as SCI- programmatic focus.

Study limitations: Primary data collection was limited to locations that were convenient for the process time and resource availability, therefore most of the information provided is generalized in terms of general deprivations that children of South Sudan face as opposed to the very specifics by location.

Analysis findings: Infants and young children aged 0 to 5 years are at risk of malnutrition, not being in good health due to limited access to nutritious foods. Barriers to good nutrition and health include low dietary diversity, poor feeding practices, high morbidity, household food insecurity due to climatic shocks and poor hygiene practices. Health systems remain weak despite being overwhelmed with emergencies and disease burden, due to port budgetary allocation as well as the actual disbursement and limited skilled workforce. Quality and equity to education is compromised by high teacher turnover owing to low motivation. An estimated 65 per cent of women and girls have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. Other risks include child labour, abduction, children being recruited into armed forces and groups. Conflict continues to be a barrier to children’s enjoyment of most of their rights and has left many in need of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS). Climate change induced shocks of flooding and drought continue to affect survival, development and protection rights of children.

Conclusively, it is clear that South Sudan’s children are deprived of their fundamental rights to thrive and develop to their full potential. To change the situation, it is important that strategic choices are focused on.

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