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Child Rights Situation Analysis Poland

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Save the Children International

Based on human rights, the CRSA looks into recognising child rights in Poland with a universal, indivisible, inalienable, and interdependent lens. Save the Children is a child rights-based organisation, which means it uses the principles of children’s rights to plan, implement, and monitor programmes with the overall goal of improving the position of children so that all children – no matter who they are – can fully enjoy their rights and live in societies that acknowledge and respect children’s rights.

Hence, this report presents the findings of the CRSA process, which took place between July and December 2023 and puts forward recommendations to SC Poland to consider in its CSP for the years 2024-2027. The report is structured around the organisation’s 2023 global strategic breakthroughs for children, namely (1) Health and Nutrition (Breakthrough 1: survive), (2) Education (Breakthrough 2: learn), and (3) Child Protection (Breakthrough 3: be protected). Under each breakthrough, this report will discuss the realisation of corresponding child rights in the UNCRC.

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