Explore Our Users' Needs and Profiles

By: Save the Childrens Resource Centre

Last updated: 2024-10-7

Two years have passed since our last site survey. This year, we received phenomenal feedback from 5130 respondents—a 75% increase! Asking 11 questions over a 30-day period, the survey achieved a higher completion rate than recorded in 2021. But what did we learn? What trends emerged from the answers? What are we putting into place to respond to our users, and do even better this year and beyond?

Photo: Save the Children

Key insights:


  • We are pleased to see, that we are effectively reaching our target audience: Save the Children staff (26% of our respondents), researchers, academics, or students (29%) and individuals from peer organizations or non-profit (22%)
  • Since the launch of our staff portal, we notice that Save the Children staff are dynamically engaging with the Resource Centre, notably for specific searches (30%), uploading knowledge (24%) and discovering new resources (21%) on a weekly basis (as reported by 27% of our respondents)
  • Our non-staff users are mostly interested in exploring thematic areas (39%), accessing specific reports (38%), and learning more about Save the Children’s work (8%)
  • In terms of user experience, we are glad to share that 32% of our respondents found it “extremely easy” to find what they were looking for on our site
  • Our Net Promoter Score stands at a commendable score of 16
  • The most popular type of content is, unsurprisingly, our catch-all format: Report

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge products or partnering up with the Resource Centre? Contact us at resourcentre@savethechildren.org or upload them through our dedicated upload form.

In Focus: Who Are Our Users?


Ever wondered who is reading our resources?  Who is browsing the library and flipping through the page alongside you? Our survey findings highlight that we are effectively engaging with our target audience: 26% of our respondents are Save the Children staff, 29% are researchers, academics, or students, 22% represent individuals from peer organizations or non-profits. Comparing with data from two years ago, we observed a shift: previously, we had a higher percentage of researchers, academics, or students at 42% and a lower percentage of staff members at 14%. Additionally, there was a lower percentage of individuals working for peer organizations or non-profits at 14%.


Photo: Child Rights Resource Centre

Q1- Which of these best describes you?

In the previous year, 30% of our respondents visited the site to search for materials within a particular thematic area/topic. Two years later, this figure has increased to 39%. Additionally, two years ago, 25% of our respondents expressed interest in reading a specific report, which has now risen to 38%. This shows that we are successfully connecting with our intended audience and clearly communicating our platform mission as a library of child rights resources.

Photo: Child Rights Resource Centre

Q4- Why did you visit our website today?

Hunting For Resources


What are you looking for on the Resource Centre? The most sought-after content types are reports, manuals, toolkits, and guidance, and studies, reviews, and research. Curious about our most accessed resources? Find the top 20 for 2023 here.

Photo: Child Rights Resource Centre

Q8 - What type of content do you visit our website to find?

Based on 397 responses, it is also truly clear that there is a demand for additional content such as videos, UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) articles, training materials, toolkits, statistics and data, PowerPoint templates, teaching resources, activities for children/adolescents, project evaluations, and past project proposals.

Do you store any precious knowledge on your laptop? This is an excellent chance for you to contribute! You can easily upload it through our upload form.



Would you recommend the Resource Centre to a friend or coworker? How satisfied are you with your navigation experience on our site? Many questions now answered. Our Net Promoter Score, though commendable, currently stands at 16, a slight decrease compared to 22 in 2021. Though, we acknowledge this shift, any score over 0 is considered “good” because it means that the site has more promoters than detractors. 32% of our participants found it extremely easy to find what they were looking for on our website, a slight increase from the 31.5% reported two years ago.

Photo: Child Rights Resource Centre

The NPS scale ranges from -100 to +100 and categorizes respondents into three groups based on their likelihood to recommend.



We have crafted several short user profiles to illustrate our survey findings, and better understand our user’s preferences and needs. What improvements could we make to win them over?

The dynamic Save the Children employees.


These users are proactive contributors on the Resource Centre. They use the site every week (as 27% of our respondents do), actively searching for specific resources, uploading their own evidence and knowledge, and discovering new materials to enhance their work. They value a seamless user experience that allows them to quickly access the right resources in order to do their vital work and improve the lives of children globally.

How are we helping? We are working on enhancing the search results page and currently developing a Data Dashboard to track the performance of their uploaded resources.

The passionate peer organization members.


They are curious about Save the Children’s work and occasionally access resources on thematic areas. They are interested in learning more about the organization’s initiatives and their impact. They appreciate straightforward navigation within the platform to discover Save the Children’s initiatives and resources relevant to their organization’s areas of interests.

What are we doing for them? We have developed the tabular view for search results to quickly locate resources relevant to their interests.

The driven external researchers.


They rely on our platform for accessing thematic materials and specific reports related to child rights. They are conducting thorough research and rely on our platform’s resources to support their endeavors. They require accurate and easily discoverable resources to effectively carry out their research, probably once a month. They value accessibility and reliability in the content provided by our platform.

Which new features will be useful? We are developing new author pages to allow them to connect with experts in their field and explore their contributions to the Resource Centre. Imagine finding a report, and immediately being able to see what else that author has written or contributed to in the past!


Thank you again to all our participants and users for contributing to the Resource Centre and being a part of our community.

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