

Collection one: systems, complexity and social-ecological transformation

Collection one: systems, complexity and social-ecological transformation

This collection links to resources that can help you go deeper in learning about systems, complexity, and social-ecological transformation. These include numerous free, online courses, thought leadership in the form of blogposts, articles, and papers, processes for facilitating those engaged in changemaking, and numerous tools and toolkits. Tackle them in any order you like, depending on what you need in a given moment, and revisit them often! We think you’ll find that some of them become go-to resources that you’ll use over and over again.

Acknowledgements: This collection was created by the Interaktiv kapacitetsutveckling för systeminnovation i utvecklingssamarbete/Interactive capacity development for system innovation in development co-operation​ (IXUS) collaboration, supported by a grant from Sida, and building upon thought leadership in a number of changemaker programmes from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, University of Cape Town, Adapt, Southern Africa Food Labs, University of Waterloo, and University of Victoria.

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Chapter 1

Recommended resources for understanding complex systems and their transformations


1 resource

Learning about systems, complexity, and resilience

7 resources

Frameworks and approaches for working in complexity

7 resources

Research, analysis, and commentary

4 resources

Communities of practice and exchange

4 resources