Reports, Study: Research

Young Voices – Sweden 2014

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Save the Children Sweden

Young Voices is a survey of children’s perspectives on a range of issues that affect them. It was conducted in Sweden, 2014. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), all children are entitled to express their views on all matters that affect them. The goal of this survey is to become a tool in discussions for politicians, policy-makers and other stakeholders concerning conditions for children and youth. Save the Children Sweden hopes that Young Voice will inspire the creation of areas of influence for children at all levels of society, based on terms and conditions set by the children themselves.

Nearly 25,000 children participated, sharing their perspective on relevant issues such as safety, poverty, education, bullying, and their future. Although many children in Sweden are doing fine, Young Voice shows that there is still a lot to do in integrating the CRC – a great many children show concern over a range of issues and wish to be heard.

To view all of the Young Voices national surveys, please visit the collection page

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