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The Year of Janusz Korczak 2012: There are no children, there are people

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Biuro Rzecznika Praw Dziecka

This dual-language book introduces the Year of Janusz Korczak, a Polish author, doctor and child rights activist of the early twentieth century. The Year of Korczak was intended to introduce, remind, and implement Korczak’s message of ‘there are no children, there are people’ into modern society. 

The book is divided into three segments. The first segment presents the social and political initiators of Korczak’s message, ombudsmen, advocates and other promoters of child rights in Poland and Europe. The second section introduces an academic interpretation of Korczak’s thoughts and ideas in the context of modern challenges and scientific standards. Lastly, the third section presents and documents the initiative of the Ombudsman for Children connected with the Year of Janusz Korczak through official documents. 

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