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Children's Institute, University of Cape Town,Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children,Save the Children International,University of Edinburgh
The focus of “Working Together: Including children in research on violence against children” is not on if we will engage in participatory research, but instead on how we can best support meaningful research initiatives with children. With an explicit focus on research related to violence against children (VAC), the resource provides valuable guidance to researchers and policymakers, helping them understand how children’s participation in research adds value and rigor to the process of building sustainable violence prevention programming. It recognizes that a high ethical standard and an understanding of the ethical complexities involved in research specific to children is required. These materials will help you to overcome the challenges and barriers to children’s participation in research.
What’s in it for me?
Section one: Get acquainted with the topic: explore key concepts that underpin child participation in research
Section two: Participation in practice: understand the basics of what participation is and how it works
Section three: How to keep research ethical: ensure that every stage of research is executed ethically
Section four: Understanding and obtaining genuine consent: preserve children’s autonomy and understand the difference between consent and assent
Section five: Making research equitable: ensure that all children have an opportunity to participate without discrimination
Section six: Managing risk and protecting children: explore how researchers can keep the children they work with safe
Section seven: Preserving researchers’ safety: understand how to reduce risk to researchers
Section eight: A step-by-step guide to participatory research: find tips/tools for working with children through each stage of a project
Section nine: Working with children in large-scale studies: overcome the challenges of large-scale research
Section ten: Child-friendly resources: access key resources that support child-friendly processes, methodologies, and information sharing.
Resources by theme: find references and links to all the resources in the pack and other useful resources by theme
There are five main kinds of resources provided in this pack:
Developed in partnership with the University of Cape Town, Children’s Institute, and Save the Children, the resource pack is produced under the umbrella of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children in the Global EVAC Knowledge Network: A Forum for Users and Producers of Evidence.
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