Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Study: Research

Who is Doing What, Where and When (4Ws) in Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Jordan

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IASC, Inter-Agency Standing Committee

This mapping aims to provide a more comprehensive picture of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services available in Jordan.

This mapping took place during a significant time of turmoil within the Eastern Mediterranean Region, with ongoing strife in Syria, Gaza and Iraq.

The overarching aims of the mapping center around enhancing coordination, collaboration, referral systems and accountability for all involved agencies, improving the transparency and legitimacy of the MHPSS sub-sector through structured documentation, and providing data on patterns of practice to inform lessons for future responses.

The information provided by the 4Ws mapping can feed into national plans for emergency preparedness, and can be used to identify gaps in service provision, geographic and target group coverage, human resources and technical expertise. It can also be used by participating organizations to plan for their programming and funding appeals.

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