Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Study: Research

What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls in Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis: Synthesis brief

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DFID, Department for International Development,George Washington University,IRC, International Rescue Committee,What Works to Prevent Violence

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a serious threat to human rights and a pervasive issue affecting women and girls in humanitarian settings. Despite this, research shows that VAWG is not prioritized in acute emergency responses and peacebuilding efforts. In order to respond adequately to women and girls in humanitarian settings, funders and the international community must prioritize VAWG prevention and response during conflict and crisis. 

This synthesis brief summarizes the state of research on VAWG and its key findings. It also presents what is known about the effectiveness of interventions designed to tackle VAWG in humanitarian settings. Lastly, recommendations for future research and programming are presented.  


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