Study: Research

Violencia y trata de personas en Centroamérica. Oportunidades de intervención regional

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Nicaragua's Institute for Public Policy and Strategic Studies, Managua,Save the Children

The study “Violencia y trata de personas en Centroamérica: oportunidades de intervención regional” conducted by Save the Children in collaboration with Nicaragua’s Institute for Public Policy and Strategic Studies (IEEPP, by its Spanish acronym), shows the magnitude and complexity of the issue of violence and criminal activity associated with illegal immigration and human smuggling, and the need for social and institutional responses, specifically in the Central American context. The document highights the numerous factors that contribute to the smuggling and trafficking of persons (the most affected groups are children and women), including poverty, social exclusion, domestic violence and gender discrimination, coupled with weak legal and protection systems in the region. The aim of the study is to analyze and systematize the progress made in combating trafficking and identify the most important characteristics of human smuggling in each country of the region. It also looks at the achievements, good practices, challenges and ideas for future actions from a regional perspective. At the same time it provides information on the range of instruments available to combat human trafficking and illicit migrant smuggling. The study covers the seven nations of Central America – Belice, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama

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