Study: Research

Violencia oculta: Protegiendo a los niños pequeños en el hogar. Espacio para la infancia

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Bernard van Leer Foundation

Spanish version of Bernard van Leer Foundation’s June 2011 edition of Early Childhood Matters – Hidden violence. Violence against young children is often hidden from view when it takes place in the home and the family. It explores the need for better data about the extent of violence against children in the home and family and stronger evidence about what works to tackle violence, such as programmes to strengthen families, engaging men in childrearing and challenging social norms. Contributions include an interview with Maud de Boer-Buquicchio on the Council of Europe’s action plan; Professors Jack Shonkoff and Nathan Fox on the neuroscience of children’s exposure to violence in the home; Marta Santos Pais, UN Special Representative on violence against children, discussing what legislation can do; Chris Mikton on the WHO’s quest for evidence and UNICEF on their approach to violence in the home; and contributions from the Netherlands, Sweden, Brazil, Uganda and Peru among others

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