Reports, Study: Research

Tillfälligt uppbrott – unga berättar. Om att rymma eller kastas ut hemifrån

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Save the Children Sweden

A follow up of previous Save the Children reports about children who see no other solution to difficult domestic situations than to run away from home – either on their own initiative or because parents who are unable to assume their responsibilities throw them out. This new report ” Tillfälligt uppbrott – unga berättar” (Temporary breakup from home – young people tell their story) represents the findings of nine in-depth interviews with children who had run away from home. In all cases, the social services system failed to adequately protect them. The report highlights the testimonies of the children and how they themselves look upon their circumstances and separation from home. It illustrates the stark reality about runaway youngsters, the deprivations they suffer and how the unreasonable demands, suspicion and distrust of social service agencies make them lose hope about a better future.

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