Study: Research

Situation faced by institutionalized children and adolescents in shelters in Guatemala

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SBS, La Secretaría de Bienestar Social de la Presidencia de la República

This study, conducted by the President’s Office for Social Welfare in Guatemala with the support of Holt International Services and UNICEF, analyzes the situation faced by institutionalized children and adolescents in shelters in Guatemala.
The purpose of the study is to raise the awareness of decision makers to make certain that they promote and defend integral care for institutionalized children and adolescents as well as guide public policy towards the prevention of institutionalization and the preservation of the family as an inalienable right. Another important issue that the study highlights is the need to carry out concrete actions to ensure that there is political and financial support for the Integral Child and Adolescent Protection Law as well as for other issues related to children and adolescents.

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