
SEAP Regional Workshop on good practices – A child rights programming perspective

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Save the Children Sweden

For Save the Children, one of the oldest child right movements in the world, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the backbone of their work. Rather than seeing children as mere recipients of adult’s care and protection, children and young people are recognised as actors in their own lives and as individuals whose views and opinions should be expressed and taken seriously. Over the years considerable efforts have been made by a number of organisations to promote the CRC and turn its principles into practice among others by promoting Child Rights Programming (CRP). The regional workshop on Good Practice – A Child Rights Programming Perspective, took place in Bangkok October 17-21, 2005, and was attended by 21 participants from both South and Southeast Asia. The workshop provides a venue for sharing concrete examples of CRP good practices, and for inspiring thought and action on taking forward the development and practice of CRP. This report highlights the main ideas and thinking that came out of the workshop.

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