Reports, Study: Research

Save the Children Norway Partnership Review

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IOD PARC, International Organisation Development,Save the Children Norway

This review has been commissioned by Save the Children Norway (SCN) to document and evidence the impact of its work with civil society partners and the extent to which SCN’s work with civil society partners is protecting or advancing children’s rights. The review also considers the extent to which SCN contributes to the development of a stronger civil society in the countries it works and the ‘added-value’ of SCN’s partnership work.

The specific objectives of the review are to:

1. Map the existing CSOs which are receiving support from SCN by geography, level of funding and by type of intervention;

2. Explore how children and civil society have benefitted from SCN’s partnership work and generate evidence of results, learning and impact;

3. Clarify and articulate the ‘added-value’ of SCN partnerships for both parties, identifying where possible examples of innovation;

4.. Consider which capacity building approaches have been most effective for strengthening the institutional, operational, technical, and financial capacity of partners;

5. Draw insights, lessons learned, good practice examples and recommendations for future partnership working.

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