Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Safeguarding in Emergencies Toolkit

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Save the Children International

Save the Children’s vital humanitarian work represents around 50% of all the work that we do and is often made up of a mix of life-saving and life-sustaining work. Because of this, humanitarian workers are placed in a position of trust by the populations they serve.

Save the Children is committed to ensuring that children and adults are safeguarded at every stage of the response cycle, and this means that we must regularly re-evaluate our safeguarding mechanisms both in preparation for an emergency, and in times of emergency, to ensure that our safeguarding strategies are effective, timely, trauma-informed and survivor-focused, and – crucially – that all of our interventions are informed by the actual experiences, wishes and needs of children and communities.

The toolkit is designed to be used by Child Safeguarding Country Leads and Focal Points, deployable Safeguarding/PSEA staff, and humanitarian/operational managers with responsibility for safeguarding. The toolkit is not designed to be read cover-to-cover, but instead for you and your teams to dip in and out of as needed, with further reading, resources and examples also available.

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