Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Risk Reduction and Adaptation for East Africa: A step by step approach with and for children

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Save the Children

The regional Risk Reduction and Adaptation capacity building package consists of three series aimed at Save the Children and partner staff in East Africa. Each series targets working with one of the key stakeholders as follows:

Series 1 – Children and Schools

Series 2 – Households and Communities

Series 3 – Local and National Authorities

This package covers Series 1. It provides step-by-step guidance for practitioners to undertake and design Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) interventions with children and schools. This guidance can and should be used by both development and humanitarian practitioners. It aims to build the internal capacity of Save the Children staff in the East Africa regional, country and field offices and to support the capacity of external partners and stakeholders, local authorities, civil society and sectoral clusters. It focuses in particular on how to tackle slow onset risks through early action and working with both our humanitarian and development mandates.

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