Study: Research

Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE) Somalia COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Survey Report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland

Understanding the importance of measuring the gap in knowledge, perception, attitude, communication channels, and existing barriers to effective design of evidence-based institutional communication and campaigning strategies; Save the Children Somalia conducted a rapid assessment covering the entirety of Somalia between the 13th to 16th of April, 2020. The findings of the assessment will inform the defining and prioritizing of the RCCE strategy and key communication and community engagement plan; including contextualized key messages tailored to circumstances of vulnerable communities, defining key actions/activities, and tailor and test materials. Ultimately, the exercise will increase the effectiveness of our communication activities and therefore the impact of the overall response. Furthermore, meaningful participatory engagement and adapting messages to the local context and audience is also proven to lead to stronger ownership, buy-in, and commitment, as well as maintaining/increasing access, and strengthening the organization’s integrity and reputation. 

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