Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Study: Research

Ready to Read: Closing the gap in early language skills so that every child in Wales can read well

Publication year:


English, Welsh


pdf (1.1 MiB)


Save the Children UK

Firm foundations in early language skills are critical to breaking the cycle of educational inequality – and to improving the wider life chances of the poorest children.

This report sets out how high-quality services and support for families can help overcome the impact of poverty, highlighting the potential for services, including early learning, health visiting and libraries – to support young children’s language development. And it explains why this potential is not always fulfilled.

Ready to Read argues for a decisive shift towards early action and investment. It sets out three priorities for the Welsh government:

  1. investing further in the quality of the early education workforce
  2. strengthening support for parents
  3. strong and ambitious leadership for children.

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