Reports, Study: Research

Protecting Syrian Children en Route to Europe: A study conducted in Syria, along transit routes & in hosting countries

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Save the Children

In December 2015, Altai Consulting was commissioned by Save the Children’s Middle East and Eurasia Regional Office to conduct a research study on the protection of children fleeing from the Syria conflict and traveling to Europe. Fieldwork was conducted over January and February 2016 and culminated in a total of 198 interviews across 19 locations in eight countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Greece, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, and Croatia.

This research study reviews the drivers of migration from Syria and the neighboring countries of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. Routes and conditions of the journey are also evaluated – with special attention given to the risks and vulnerabilities confronted by children and families, including smuggling, psychological impact, family separation, etc.

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