Reports, Study: Research

Protecting Children on the Move in Asia through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Social Media

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Save the Children Asia Regional Office,Save the Children International

This study examines what level of access children who migrate in Asia have to information and communication technology (ICT) and social media platforms. It also looks at how these children are using communication devices and social media with the aim of utilising these findings to establish whether social media and technology can play a greater part in keeping children safe while on the move.

Focusing on children on the move in Bangladesh and Myanmar as source countries, as well as Malaysia and Thailand largely as destination countries, the study involved a total of 134 children through focus group discussions and surveys. Selection ensured that participants were within the correct age range and had migrated or were likely to migrate due to their family circumstances and location. In addition 38 research participants from NGOs, service providers, technology companies and academics took part in the study.

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