Treaties, Laws and Resolutions

Position paper on age assessment in the context of separated children in Europe

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This paper represents the position of the Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) on age assessment in the context of separated children, and aims to provide concrete recommendations to States and other relevant stakeholders in Europe on how to ensure full respect of the rights that separated children are entitled to, when doubts concerning their age may arise. This paper represents the basis on which SCEP will pursue advocacy around age assessment in Europe
SCEP’s positions presented in this Paper are based on the current situation concerning laws, policies and practices related to age assessment in Europe, primarily as it resulted from a review undertaken by SCEP in 16 European countries ( Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, The United Kingdom).
This document was published with the particiapation of Save the Children Denmark.

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