Study: Research

Niñez indígena y educación intercultural bilingüe en el Perú

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Peru is a country that faces high levels of poverty and educational inequality, hurting the most vulnerable sectors of society: the Andean and Amazonian indigenous people suffer the highest level of exclusion from quality education compared to the non-indigenous population. This document presents recent statistics, identifies solved and unsolved problems and calls for a joint effort to tackle pending tasks in the area of bilingual intercultural education in Peru. It promotes greater awareness of the rights of indigenous children in Peru and offers recommendations to ensure the right of indigenous children to an education that is socially relevant and useful to their daily lives, as well as culturally and linguistically relevant.
This publication was made possible thanks to the joint initiative of Care Peru, Educa, Save the Children, Tarea, Unicef and institutions of the ‘Grupo Impulsor de la Educación en Áreas Rurales’.

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