Reports, Study: Research

När banden bryts. Om förskolans bemötande av barn, med fokus på bruten anknytning till föräldrar i samband med trauma

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Europeiska Flyktingfonden, Stockholm,Save the Children Sweden

The objective of the joint project ”Improve the reception of asylum-seeking children from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and other countries” between Save the Children Sweden and the European Fund for Refugees, is to ensure adequate care arrangements for unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children and youth in Swedish communities, schools and health-care services. ‘När banden bryts’ (When ties are broken) addresses the specific needs of asylum-seeking pre-school children, their present situation and the feelings these children are experiencing, such as broken family or relational ties, and exposure to traumatic events during a violent incident, especially when the mother has been the victim of violence. Prior exposure to traumatic events suffered by these mothers and children are primary risk factors for the development of hopelessness symptoms.

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