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IRC, International Rescue Committee
“My Safety, My Wellbeing” curriculum covers a total of 26 sessions that address topics on communication, decision making, confidence and problem solving, each with a specific focus on GBV, early marriage, reproductive health, hygiene, managing stress, relationships with parents, and having healthy relationships. The course also enables Adolescent Girls to develop positive coping mechanisms and establish a secure network of friends and supporters which they can draw upon if they encounter GBV or other types of violence. By the end of the course, the girls would have had the opportunity to facilitate a session and develop a group project to be implemented either at a safe space or within their communities. It is envisaged that some of the participants will be able to become mentors and able to facilitate some sessions of the curriculum at a later stage. The curriculum has been organized in a way to enable girls to develop trust amongst themselves and with the facilitators and to ensure that sensitive topics are discussed once this has been established.
Curriculum complementary resources include: Life Skills through Drama and Additional Sessions for Adolescent Girls.
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