Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Life Skills through Drama: Equipping adolescent girls with key knowledge and skills to help them to mitigate, prevent, and respond to gender-based violence

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IRC, International Rescue Committee

Later on, when the focus has also been put on working with Adolescent Girls in their respective locations through mobile teams, MSMW curriculum has been shortened and adapted to match the needs, availability and vulnerability of girls living in informal settlements, collective shelters, etc.  The “Life Skills through Drama” curriculum aimed as well at promoting the protection of Syrian and Lebanese Adolescent Girls from Gender-Based Violence and enhancing their psychosocial well-being. This curriculum addresses the basic life skills that Adolescent Girls living in difficult conditions in any similar cultural context could need. The curriculum relies on active learning through experience, practice, reflection and discussion and it has as well been designed based on drama techniques. Varied creative drama techniques were used to serve the objectives including techniques from Theater of the Oppressed. The curriculum is composed of 6 modules where each is divided into 2 sessions making a total of 12 sessions. The latter mainly cover topics around trust and support networks, assertive communication, self-esteem and self-confidence, coping with stress, understanding and managing emotions, problem solving and decision making, and GBV. Caregivers can also be involved in the curriculum by meeting with them at the beginning of the cycle if needed to introduce them to the curriculum. 

Curriculum complementary resources  include: My Safety, My Wellbeing and Additional Sessions for Adolescent Girls.

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