Reports, Study: Evaluations, Study: Research

Most Vulnerable Children: World Vision Uk Programme Inclusion and Impact

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WVI, World Vision International

This report is the product of research conducted by the International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) and Columbia University for World Vision UK (WVUK). The research intends to assess and analyze the extent to which WVUK’s Child Protection programming is reaching the most vulnerable children (MVC), those who are the most poor and marginalised in a society.

The report utilized a variety of sources, including: a review of WV programming literature and baseline studies, interviews with WV staff, and an analysis of three country case studies. Findings from all sources are presented, reviewed, and analyzed. The findings indicate that WV child protection programming has been successful in including vulnerable children – and that the manner of inclusion is significant. Empowerment, creativity, social networks, and peer modeling are some of the tools implemented to achieve meaningful participation.

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