Study: Research

A Mapping on Child Participation Initiatives: In public decision making and monitoring processes

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden (SCS) undertook a mapping of child participation initiatives in the context of public decision-making and monitoring processes implemented between 2017 and 2019, that are part of SCS’s Global Civil Society Program funded by the Swedish International Development Agency- SIDA(2017–2021). The objectives of the mapping were to:

  • Provide a clear picture of the structures and forms of these child participation initiatives and of the thematic areas addressed; 
  • Identify gaps and opportunities for improving quality programming and better monitoring of work done in this area;
  • Highlight examples of replicable practice

The mapping looked at child participation initiatives in 14 countries and in regional programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean, East and Southern Africa, and Europe.  The information was sourced from answers to a questionnaire sent to Save the Children Country Offices and their partners, interviews, and a desk review. 

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