Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Manual para información: Lucha contra el castigo físico para la familia

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Save the Children

The Manual “Materiales para la Formación”, was prepared by Save the Children Spain, the Spanish Confederation of Students’ Parents Associations (CEAPA Confederación Española de Asociaciones de Padres y Madres de Alumnos) and the Catholic National Confederation of Students’ Parents (CONCAPA Confederación Nacional Católica de Padres de Alumnos), as part of the campaign “Educate, don’t punish!”, created with the aim to prevent corporal punishment of minors. Within the framework of the campaign, which is promoted worldwide, the training of teachers and parents on all aspects of corporal punishment is imperative and the main objective of the manual is to challenge corporal punishment of children and disseminate the sequence of basic messages of the campaign “Educate, do not punish” .

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