Study: Research

Lyssnar vi? En feedbackstudie: Barns, undomars och föräldrars feedback till Rädda Barnen 2018

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Save the Children Sweden

This study was produced in cooperation with two of Save the Children Sweden’s offices that provide support to children, young adults, and parents who have fled to Sweden. The aim of the study is take stock of whether or not Save the Children Sweden’s methodology and way of working is meeting the needs of the people it attempts to serve. The study also aims to find out if those who interact with these offices feel the opportunity to directly impact the organization in which they are participating.

In total, 25 teenagers and 21 parents participated in the study. The results were overall positive. In those cases where the response was negative, it was found that respondents had completely different expectations or hopes for the type of support that they would receive from Save the Children Sweden’s offices.

This study is intended to inspire other offices within Save the Children Sweden, as well as other organizations that work with and for children, to continually re-connect on the efficacy of that organization’s methods, with the families and children they are seeking to help .

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