Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Research

A look at best practices in protecting and expanding opportunities for young people

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Save the Children

In post-conflict Kosovo, children are being exposed to trafficking for a wide variety of reasons, mostly related to the broader socio-economic context, inter-personal dynamics at the family and community levels, and abject living conditions. This calls for the implementation of activities that address the identified risks that many of these children are faced with. This is the main focus of the Child Trafficking Response Programme (CTRP), implemented by Save the Children in seven countries in Southeastern Europe with the aim of providing support to at-risk or trafficked children in Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzgovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Romania and Serbia. In Kosovo, the programme has centred on working with primary school children, adolescents and their families, and committing efforts to mobilize different stakeholders involved in the protection of children and youth. The document presents best practices and lessons learned in this specific area.

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