
Local Government and Community Engagement to Promote Inclusive Education (Success of HOPE Project, Bangladesh)

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Save the Children Bangladesh,Save the Children International

A holistic approach towards the Promotion of Inclusive Education project (HOPE project) is working to promote inclusive education through the engagement of local government and community with the approach of Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG). Child-Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) comprises a rights-based child programming approach and a set of social accountability initiatives that work to facilitate, promote and institutionalize the empowerment and participation of children in the governance arrangements at the local level. CFLG places children and at the centre of the development agenda of local government. It facilitates their inclusion in institutional mandates such as ward shovas and open budget sessions as well as building their understanding and capacity to effectively influence the decision-making process and to monitor services and resources. Through the approach, the project is working closely with Local Government and community as well as children and schools to make local government accountable to promote inclusive education and engage the community for taking responsibility to ensure the educational rights of children with disabilities. HOPE Project mobilized the community to increase engagement around inclusive education through sensitize the community and local government to act as responsive duty bearers.

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