Reports, Study: Research

Kinship Care Report: Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan

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Information and Research Center King Hussein Foundation,Save the Children

Building upon a Save the Children regional participatory research initiative on kinship care that was undertaken in West Central Africa and East Africa, Save the Children in Jordan adapted the research methodology to focus on kinship care of children in a humanitarian context. The overall objective of the research was to increase understanding of kinship care practices as experienced by Syrian refugee children and caregivers in Jordan, which can be used to inform programming and policy developments on children’s care and protection in a humanitarian context.

This research has informed the development of 8 key recommendations to improve the care and protection of separated Syrian children living in Jordan. These recommendations require mobilisation and efforts by multiple stakeholders including: Governments; UN and international agencies; civil society and faith based organisations; media; other sector professionals; caregivers, parents, children, and members of community based child protection mechanisms.

The program also resulted in the Kinship Care Album, a direct presentation of children’s views on being a refugee in kinship care.

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